Welcome to Fair Metals Florida

Your Voice for Precious Metals Tax Reform


In the heart of the Sunshine State, where opportunities abound and dreams take flight, a subtle obstacle shadows the financial aspirations of many Floridians. The tax on bullion purchases under $500 in the state of Florida has become a barrier, disproportionately affecting those with more modest means. Enter Fair Metals Florida, a non-profit organization on a mission to advocate for the repeal of this burdensome tax.

The Burden of Bullion Tax

A Tax on the Common Floridian

Picture this: a Floridian with a desire to invest in precious metals, to safeguard their financial future, but hindered by a tax that kicks in for purchases under $500. This tax disproportionately affects those who cannot afford to make larger investments, creating a financial hurdle for the very individuals who could benefit most from diversifying their portfolios with precious metals.

Struggling Against Inflation

As if navigating economic uncertainties and rising living costs weren't challenging enough, the additional burden of a tax on bullion purchases exacerbates the struggle for financial stability. In a landscape where inflation is a constant concern, Floridians are grappling with a system that hampers their ability to protect their wealth through precious metals.

Why Fair Metals Florida?

Advocating for Economic Equality

Fair Metals Florida emerges as a beacon of hope, advocating for economic equality and financial inclusion in the precious metals market. Recognizing the disparate impact of the bullion tax, our organization is committed to leveling the playing field, ensuring that every Floridian, regardless of income level, can access the benefits of precious metal investments.

Empowering Local Businesses

The impact of the bullion tax extends beyond individual investors. Local businesses, including coin dealers and small-scale precious metal retailers, face challenges in engaging customers due to the added financial burden. Fair Metals Florida believes in fostering an environment where local businesses thrive, contributing to economic development and community prosperity.

Our Mission

Shaping a Future of Financial Freedom

At Fair Metals Florida, our mission is clear: advocate for the repeal of the tax on bullion purchases under $500 in Florida. We envision a future where every Floridian has the freedom to invest in precious metals without the shackles of excessive taxation. Our mission extends beyond policy change; it's about empowering individuals, supporting local businesses, and shaping a landscape where financial freedom is a shared right.

The Call for Reform

Unveiling Florida Statutes Section 212.08(d)(1)(a)

The specific target of our advocacy is Florida Statutes Section 212.08(d)(1)(a), the provision that imposes the tax on bullion purchases under $500. As taxes continue to rise, and inflation poses a threat to financial stability, Fair Metals Florida calls upon Floridians to unite in the demand for reform. It's time to revisit and revise a policy that hinders economic growth and limits the financial choices of individuals.

Economic Impact Assessment

To support our call for reform, Fair Metals Florida is conducting an economic impact assessment, gathering data and testimonials to illustrate the real-world consequences of the bullion tax. This evidence will be a powerful tool in our advocacy efforts, helping policymakers understand the need for change and the positive economic impact that reform can bring.

How You Can Help

Join the Petition

The cornerstone of our advocacy is the online petition to repeal the bullion tax. By signing the petition, you contribute to the collective voice demanding change. Visit our Petition Page to add your signature and show your support for a fair and equitable precious metals market in Florida.

Spread the Word

Engage with us on social media and help us spread awareness. Share our posts, infographics, and educational materials to ensure that the call for reform reaches every corner of the Sunshine State. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to stay updated and join the conversation.

Join the Movement

Building a Community of Advocates

Fair Metals Florida is not just an organization; it's a movement driven by passionate advocates for economic justice. We invite individuals, businesses, and organizations to join our cause. By building a community of advocates, we amplify our impact and demonstrate the widespread support for precious metals tax reform.

Connect with Local Businesses

Local businesses are the backbone of our communities. Fair Metals Florida is reaching out to coin shops, jewelers, and precious metal retailers, inviting them to join the movement. Together, we can create a powerful alliance that advocates for the economic well-being of both individuals and enterprises.


In conclusion, Fair Metals Florida stands at the forefront of a crucial advocacy effort, calling for the repeal of the tax on bullion purchases under $500 in Florida. Our mission is grounded in the principles of economic equality, financial inclusion, and community empowerment. The bullion tax is not merely a financial burden; it's a barrier to the financial freedom that every Floridian deserves.

As we forge ahead in our advocacy journey, we invite you to join us. Sign the petition, spread the word, and become a part of a movement that envisions a future where precious metal investments are accessible to all. Together, we can create a fair and equitable financial landscape for the Sunshine State.